Thursday, March 22, 2012

Extremely busy day - oh gosh...

So massively extremely busy day planned for today. In about 30 minutes, I'll be picked up by my sister to hang with her and her boyfriend for a large portion of the day. There are plans of seeing fishie at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, then possibly hanging out later at her boyfriend's house. Am super excited to see them!! The only stressful part, which I should be able to manage, is the homework that's due tomorrow. Wish me best of luck! Hopefully I can post some sweet aquatic-life sketches for you all. If not, then possibly next time 'round. :)
Enjoy this picture I did last week (week 7) in my Heads and Hands 1 with Zimou Tan. The model is Bob. Spent... 2 hours? Used graphite pencil on Z's special sketch paper from China. We had to do cross-hatching: a style which I will need lots of practice on.