Saturday, September 29, 2012

Busy day

So thing are definitely starting to pile up in an unexpecting manner. Not gonna panic, though, because that does nothing except cause stress. :) Meanwhile, I just finished filling a page in my friend Cody Lyon's "travel" sketchbook. Taken with Instagram again - apologies.
All content and creature designs belong to Mina Roy, and may not be used without expressed written consent.

EDIT @ 12:35AM: Just did super quick edit in Photoshop with a point/shoot camera. Just wanted to post to show for comparison.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hummingbirds and Bloody Wings

Now that am done with my sister's engagement package, I started working last night on my grandparents' card. I thought I would make theirs special because I haven't apparently done any art for them since grade school (like either elementary or jr. high). My grandmother loves hummingbirds, and my grandfather loves cows. I'm going to try and see how best I can combine these two love interests. The second picture of the angelic figure is from my clothed figure drawing 2 class with Bill Sanchez. Great instructor; he really has you focus on getting a story through even if it's not exactly what's in front of you. So here's my adaptation (20 minutes): the model was dressed in Greek attire with white wings. Also learned a very important lesson: red crayon is very stubborn and will not allow charcoal anywhere near it once it's on paper. Again, I apologize for Instagram photos. I'm working on making a photo light box for my art. I'll be sure to post better quality pictures up when I can.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Engagement Card

My sister is engaged! So to send my congrats, I made her the usual care package I always do every semester (possibly strange since I'm also in college, but I like doing it). However, this time I included things for her fiancé and added a congratulations card inside. With every card, I've been making it a habit to draw something; but I've never done an engagement card before. She is a marine biologist/chemist, and he's a scientist as well, so..... this goes to you, sis!

Monday, September 24, 2012

My friend Robert Chew couldn't imagine what my bent Hi-Tec C pen would look like (and for it to still work), so I showed him this.

Here's today's painting did in class for illustration 2 with Thomas Gronbukt; theme was Halloween. Feel like it could have gone better, but it's not too bad. I also found a quick study I did over the summer - self portrait using webcam. Wasn't too bad, so figured I'd share. I'll find proper means of taking photos of my work later.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lots of Work

Short break from very busy day. Best news is I got my business cards today! They look amazing; and they're plastic, flexible, water proof, and don't tear. AND they're transparent so you can make my creature I designed swim in midair. No, that's not flying (or at least for this creature because he can't fly), unless you call it flying under water.
In other news, I've been working nonstop today on Ideation. For those who don't know, I am the president of the Ideation Club at the Academy of Art University which focuses primarily on concept art and establishing yourself as an artists (for the real world). You can learn more on our website. Lots of things planned for this semester. Look forward!

And now, it's 7:23PM. I need to make sure I finish my clothed figure 2 homework for tomorrow as well as this tattoo commission. So enough talk - back to work!

EDIT: It's 12:19AM, and am done with both. I forgot to take a picture of the figure drawing one, but here's the thumbs of the tattoo. Night world!

We're in September?!

I can't believe how busy I've been since my last post in April. I'll have to make this blog my homepage or something just to make sure I can keep you all up-to-date on what I've been working on thus far. Lots of new sketches, watercolor pieces (a massive majority of them are Pokemon -- I made them into door tags for my residents because I'm now a resident assistant (RA)), photoshop pieces, etc. Hopefully I'll be able to tackle this a little better either today or more realistically Friday. I also have been doing some spring cleaning with my art; kept every piece since first semester, and I'm starting my third year. Needless to say, it's a lot and most of it is junk I will never refer to for a portfolio piece so they're being tossed (and photographed for memory of how bad I was). So to catch up with me, this semester I got the job as a resident assistant at one of the resident halls, am president of the Ideation Club again, have four classes (2 studio, 2 language arts), and 3 commissions. Overall, a very busy schedule, but I am determined to stay on top. Also, you remember that alien whale design I had to do a while back? Well, my client just messaged me recently on how the model is coming along, and it's stunning (not complete, but am very much excited). <a href="" target="_blank">Take a look!!</a> Meanwhile, please enjoy some of the artwork I did last semester (Illustration1 w/ Kris Komsteoft):