I can't believe how busy I've been since my last post in April. I'll have to make this blog my homepage or something just to make sure I can keep you all up-to-date on what I've been working on thus far. Lots of new sketches, watercolor pieces (a massive majority of them are Pokemon -- I made them into door tags for my residents because I'm now a resident assistant (RA)), photoshop pieces, etc. Hopefully I'll be able to tackle this a little better either today or more realistically Friday. I also have been doing some spring cleaning with my art; kept every piece since first semester, and I'm starting my third year. Needless to say, it's a lot and most of it is junk I will never refer to for a portfolio piece so they're being tossed (and photographed for memory of how bad I was). So to catch up with me, this semester I got the job as a resident assistant at one of the resident halls, am president of the Ideation Club again, have four classes (2 studio, 2 language arts), and 3 commissions. Overall, a very busy schedule, but I am determined to stay on top. Also, you remember that alien whale design I had to do a while back? Well, my client just messaged me recently on how the model is coming along, and it's stunning (not complete, but am very much excited). <a href="http://stereo3dsvr.blogspot.com/2012/09/whale-texturing-update-hyunsuk-suh.html" target="_blank">Take a look!!</a> Meanwhile, please enjoy some of the artwork I did last semester (Illustration1 w/ Kris Komsteoft):