Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Midway into the 4th Semester

My gosh, I've been busy. Alright. So to lay it all out for you guys, I've been holding up through my classes (thankfully) while tackling on multiple projects including:

  • running the ideation concept art club as president
  • finishing up a long-term commission
  • starting up three new projects as concept art lead
  • applied to become a resident assistant (and awaiting response)
  • developing my portfolio, which can now be viewed on the right
  • and lastly, but possibly most important - homework
Sadly, I was instructed by all my clients to NOT post any artwork until the projects are completed. This means although I've done lots of work, most of you will be stuck with my regular ol' school studies work. Hopefully I won't disappoint you. Meanwhile, please enjoy this still life study homework.